Welcome to the Azure Shack

Latest update 13th June 2024
PHI-3 on Windows

RagApp - A simple RAG application for LLMs and SLMs

Hello and welcome to my humble website, thanks for stopping by. I am creating this site largely as a tool to remember how to do things and also to learn alot of new stuff. I have been working with Azure for a few years now a few he says my first Azure account was created in 2014 and I have never really stopped. I am quite lucky in that I have seen Azure change an develop over the years and hope to continue to do so. Now inspired by the Age of AI time to try and get this going again.
The site is mainly around having some fun with the technology.

Once upon a time I was a window cleaner, developer, systems engineer, clicker of many next next next buttons, a devops engineer and a cloud migration architect now I would say I am explorer, I love the new I love playing testing, trying things out, poking buttons and seeing what happens. I am also a big fan of developing others and helping and ensure customer get the maximum value from their cloud investment. I am above all very lucky to work as a Principal Architect and Microsoft Tech Lead. I am also a Microsoft Certified Trainer and a Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architect Expert.

I spend the majority of my time in a small wooden shack (ok its a wooden summerhouse), but the Azure Summerhouse doesn't quite sound right. The shack is my office, den, pub and my kids play area. My wife and kids come first in my life (well...) and I am lucky to have two girls.

The Shack has a hybrid power supply and on all but the wettest and greyest days is powered by solar and wind.

As I explore and work on projects I will write notes here and delve into the details of what I am doing. I hope you find it useful and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out.

Today the 1st June is the first day for me using CoPilot Chat from GitHub, lets see how it goes.